AISC Safety Award

FSW AISC Safety Award

Facility ID: 3182024
Safety Contact: Victor Garcia
Title: President
Company: Flawless Steel Welding, LLC
Address: 2020 W. Barberry Pl.
Denver, CO 80204
Email: [email protected]
You work hard to keep your team safe, and we want to reward you for that.
Every year, AISC recognizes active member fabricators and erectors who have an outstanding safety record, based on their DART incident rate (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) for the previous year.
Our top safety certificate, the Honor Award, goes to companies that have a perfect safety record with zero DART incidents. We present the Merit Award to companies with a DART incident rate above zero and not greater than 1.0 and a Commendation to companies with a DART incident rate greater than 1.0 but not exceeding 2.0.
You’ll need your OSHA 300A form to apply for a certificate for your facility.
First, please review the contact information at the top of this email. If it’s not correct, please let us know by replying to this email.
You’ll see a facility ID number at the top. Please make a note of it; you’ll need it to fill out the safety reporting form.
Please submit the online form by Monday, February 3, 2020. AISC will send you a certificate and recognize you as a safety award winner at NASCC: The Steel Conference in Atlanta this April and in an upcoming issue of Modern Steel Construction.
Don’t forget: If you have 20 or more employees, you are required to submit illness and injury data to OSHA electronically on or before March 2, 2020 (Review regulation 1904.41). Information is available on the OSHA webpage at
Thomas J. Schlafly
AISC Safety Committee
[email protected]



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